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από το Νew Yorker

"During the great black-pudding controversies of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, it was put about that Sir Isaac Newton abstained from this dish because of the Old Testament prohibition against eating blood. After his death, Newton’s niece defended his reputation, insisting that he had followed St. Paul’s injunction not to make a fuss about food prohibitions—don’t be like the bloody Jews—and to “take & eat what comes from the shambles without asking questions for conscience sake.” It was true, she explained, that Newton refrained from eating black pudding and also rabbits (whose meat remained bloody because they were killed by strangulation), but his reasons were quite different from those alleged: “He said meats strangled were forbid because that was a painfull death & the letting out the blood the easiest & that animals should be put to as little pain as possible, that the reason why eating blood was forbid was because it was thought the eating blood inclined men to be cruel.”

Vegetable Love